This is on par for policy of the UCP (United Children of Petulance). We’ve been invited to the birthday party, declined the invitation, but demanded our share of cake be delivered to us.🙄

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Feb 27Liked by Lisa Young

This made my day :)

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27Liked by Lisa Young

Ohh, how true, Lisa! Reminds me of the European HIV/AIDS Denialist in South Africa who told me that AIDS could be controlled if you ate a bag of garlic and lemon juice each month!

Interesting that when the UCP comes to "choices", the only choice they allow is their choice :(

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Feb 27Liked by Lisa Young

Loved it Lisa!

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Definitely dripping with irony and sarcasm. Brightens my morning reads when I read Lisa, so thanks again to Lisa, and commentors. Nice to view comments from like minded folks. And don't forget to tell by email, your MLA that we don't want Grassey Mountain coal mine reopening.

Our Premier setting up a kangaroo AUC hearing so she can approve, this time for her pet fuel, HYDROGEN

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Good article Lisa.

Who in hell spurns federal money for help with ANY aspect of health care at the moment?

Never mind diabetes, I'm wondering how much the contraception offering has spurred Ms. LaGrange, quietly avid Catholic "pro-lifer" to step forward more "confidently" than we've seen her before? I mean, we all know that stopping abortion is the ultimate goal of the religious right, right?

It HAS now captured the Supreme Court in the U.S. after all.

That good old Reform "hidden agenda" has become less so through the years, which begs the question, is it actually THEIR side that's perpetuating the "hidden" part again, or is it now OURS?

Someone somewhere sometime somehow has to say it out loud.

Religion has been staging a slow-moving coup on our democratic governments for quite some time now; clearly democracy makes us sitting ducks. They couldn't get far in China.

It's time for progressives to become stridently the "Party of NO" as Jon Stewart called the GOP.

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Hilarious........and that is the compensation you get with crazy Alberta politics. We can laugh all the way to the Food Bank. Still, if this is the kind of rhetorical none sense Albertans enjoy, then I guess we're going to have to live with the consequences.

It's after all, an inevitable part of historical periods of rapid threat, crisis and change. Some folks would just 'rather die than switch'...and we've grown up with that kind of perverse stubbornness so shouldn't be surprised.

In the end, they'll cave. At least if that socialist in Ottawa sticks to his guns and refuses to give Danielle our share of the money, to do with what we choose. Makes you wonder though.

Danielle seems to be on the prowl for big bucks these days. Wonder what she's thinking of investing us in??? Crypto Currency?? Carbon Capture?? Modular Nukes???

Pretty sure it's neither birth control or insulin.

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Excellent! I do appreciate your humorous sarcasm ! Without humour, its a darker day with this Smith crowd.

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OK, you can say no to Bill. But what about Tom, Dick and Harry? (Don't get me started on Larry, Moe and Curly....)

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Adriana LaGrange might be happy to get off her lazy butt for once to block the birth control, but I think Smith wants them to send just cash so she can steal it like she wants to steal our pension money. Gotta spend big money to keep up appearances with her rich buddies in the Ranchmen's Club.

I hope someone has a camera trained on the Sky Palace watching for activity there.

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Eloquently stated with literary acumen illustrating the UCP style, saying one thing campaigning and meaning something different that the base always knew. New literary term: UCP Allusion Style or Methods in Mendacity.

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Long Live the Ranchmens Club and the Spruce Meadows Elite!

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Love your sarcasm 🧐 after all we trust our “so called leader” and we know for certain she has the backs of all Albertans 🤦‍♀️😣

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You are being sarcastic? I hope?

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Spot on with your writing !! You are good at this and help us survive the gaslighting.

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