Sad day for democracy. The complete undoing of a PM who brought home dental care, pharmacare, national lunch, housing initiatives, gst break, climate change policies and rebates. Undone by malicious con campaigns, foreign disinformation and ultimately his own party. Get with the program citizens. You get Pp then you get what you deserve but the rest of us prefer social democracy to authoritarian transnational puppets.

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I’m sympathetic to the damage that the baseless attacks have done to Trudeau, but I also think those attacks would have been meaningless if he hadn’t been derelict for the last two years.

Trudeau wasn’t forced out despite his own best efforts. He was completely in control of his own destiny, probably as recently as six or eight months ago.

He did a few good things. A couple really good things. But whiffed on a whole bunch of things, and failed to respond or adjust course despite long term pressures and feedback. It ultimately cost him his authority

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But how do you overlook the disqualifying and terrifying fact that the cons don't even accept climate change as real?! Where's your perspective?!

You must be a younger person to so casually and totally disregard the massive effects of social media and how much it enabled AND very much magnified the avid rage farming of the cons, enabling their vilification campaign to surpass even their first real success in this country when "da boys" here in Alberduh went after Rachel Notley.

"Justine" Trudeau seems to have struck these guy guys as equally and unacceptably "effeminate."

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In the last two elections, the liberals and conservatives have had nearly the exact same platforms and promises with the exception of a couple fluffy ones

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Denying the science of both covid AND climate change is far from FLUFFY.

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Can you point me to a recent quote of PP denying the scientific reality of climate change, please? Yes, I do have concerns that their climate plan amounts to doing nothing and hoping no one notices, but unfortunately climate is not at the top of my issues federally given the absolute tire fire so many other files and institutions are burning in. I don't have much hope that PP will address any of them, but after nearly 10 years of JT actively making most of them worse, I'm willing to give him a try.

And again, the Liberal's cratering polls are due entirely to their own shoddy record of governance; they don't need social media conspiracies. See the very short, very incomplete list above. It should be obvious to anyone older than 35 why so many people under that age would be livid with the Liberals. They whistled past the graveyard for 10 years while the housing bubble continued to expand, and it's almost impossible for younger people to get on the housing ladder without help from their (unjustly enriched) parents. I'm in my 40's and happily ensconced in Edmonton's (flat for 15 years) condo market, so it's not personal animus. I just look around and see a country falling apart and wonder why more people aren't upset about it. Do I think that's all JT's fault? Of course not. Most of our provinces and cities have also been incredibly poorly led for a decade or longer, and party affiliation has little to do with it.

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You can take a good man down with baseless attacks. I asked him to step down over a year ago notwithstanding the good programs, the polls were dipping. We needed a new birdie to distract the baseless bases.

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What exactly is baseless? Did they not lose control of the immigration system (to directly quote Marc Miller in January 2024, who was the minister), resulting in bureaucrats being told to just bypass controls and our post secondary education system becoming a back door for temporary residents while a bunch of Northern Ontario colleges expanded by orders of magnitude to cash in? All while most temporary students were pursuing useless business diplomas, instead of nursing or skilled trades? Did they not oversee a massive runup in housing costs uninterrupted for 10 years? Did he not force out his AG after pressuring her to go easy on an incredibly corrupt company in his own riding, which amounted to obstruction of justice? Did he not get found in violation of ethics rules on multiple occasions?

I despise PP as a person and do not look forward to him becoming PM, but he's going to be a conventional centre-right PM not some sort of boogeyman. It is not a sad day for democracy when a PM who lost his moral authority to govern years ago is finally pushed aside. Stop drinking partisan Kool-Aid and convincing yourself that your side can do no wrong. The Liberals have been bad at governing basically since 2018/19 and the SNC Lavalin, and it would have been better for everybody had Trudeau been pushed out after the 2019 election in favor of someone who actually took the job seriously.

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PP is NOT some sort of boogeyman you say? How about his recent affirming interview with Jordan Peterson? Is HE OK? Or Trump, or Elon Musk, or J.D./ Project 2025 Vance?

Again, massive lack of perspective.

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Be specific, what horrendous and awful things did PP himself say in that interview? I think that Trump/Musk are genuine threats to democracy and our way of life. You seem to be suffering from a category error. His responses in that interview were bog-standard centre-right stuff, although admittedly I'm just going by summaries as I can't stand either of their voices: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-jordan-peterson-interview-1.7423197

So again, be specific: what absolutely abhorrent things has he said that are comparable to Trump/Musk?

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It’s not necessarily what he says, it’s the company he seeks that is worrying, giving validation to these conspiracy nuts like Peterson, Rogan, musk , all people with obvious mental health and addictions issues

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Marcel: There are falsehoods in that interview. Jordan Peterson has zilch for credibility.

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"I think that Trump/Musk are genuine threat to democracy and our way of life." Full stop, that's all you really need to know.

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So you can't actually come up with anything that PP has said that would put him in the same category as Trump/Musk? Thanks for confirming!

The easy lay-up would have been PP agreeing with Peterson that we "imported" woke ideology/racism and it didn't exist here before, which is clearly crazy pants. But I'd be willing to bet that you didn't listen to that interview either.

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If you despise PP as a person, what makes you want him to or feel he is fit to actually lead people. I’ve been a member of the CPC since they were called the Progressives and I still wouldn’t vote for this asshole. Never did during his leadership race either which was rampant with corruption and ethically concerning

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The irony is, immigration controls we have now and the current crime controls are implementations from the Harper era , ironically for which JT took credit for at first …

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Whoops, forgot to mention that even his initial election was based on a lie: that it was the last to take place under FPP. He had zero intention of ever implementing PR, and knew the other parties and the electorate would view ranked ballot as no better, but he kept repeating the line to anyone who would hear it. Only to later drop it because there was "no consensus" on what system would be best, when he damn well knew that PR was the only responsible route to pursue the entire time. That was his original sin, and he just kept sinning from there.

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People couldn't even agree on WHICH VERSION of PR so it would have been highly divisive, as it STILL would be today.

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There never was a consensus on proportional representation. You say there was a consensus but you and some others don't make up a consensus. I wanted to stay with first past the post. Many others felt the same as I do. After studying the pros and cons of both FPP and PR I wasn't prepared to accept such a drastic change in our election format and government make-up.

Trudeau did what good PMs do. He changed his mind and didn't push through a change for which there genuinely was no consensus. It is quite possible the majority of Canadians didn't want PR. Imo that is not a sin, original or otherwise. I don't know what you're talking about when you say it was the first of many sins.

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See here: https://www.fairvote.ca/03/10/2024/fact-checking-justin-trudeau-on-electoral-reform/

Trudeau knew damn well that when he said "electoral reform", most of the country heard "proportional representation" and he was happy enough to let that confusion stand until he got elected. And yes, the vast majority of the country is in favor of an electoral system that is more proportional like PR, and not less proportional like ranked ballots.

He knowingly deceived the electorate with a major promise to reform the electoral system, knowing damn well he wouldn't follow through with it. That's the definition of bad faith.

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The FPTP campaign ended midway because during all the citizen town halls across the country , citizens in attendance of the presentations were surveyed to say they did it want proportional representation because this meant no local ridings and no local representation.

We have short and collectively false memories of this - it was one of the first projects. Had he gone through with it despite citizens not wanting PR he would have been accused of being a dictator as they like to do without substance

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You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I am not at all saddened by his resignation.

I won't go into my reasons or my contention that many of the "virtues" that you enumerate were, in my mind, far, far too little and were very much trumpeted (NO pun intended) but not at all widely available.

I would, however, take issue with one of your points, wherein you say that he was done in by - among other things - "foreign disinformation" and I would point out that he refused to deal with the Chinese and Indian interference in our elections, the Chinese "police stations" and so forth so I respectfully request that you eliminate that item from your reasons for sadness.

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There was no certainty of Chinese or India influence on our Canadian elections. In fact initially it was thought there was more Russian influence favoring a CPC win than any other interference.

CIA special units in USA released a report on the significant influence by Russian bots both inside of the US and from many other places. USA's elections were influenced in favour of Trump and Republicans in the 2016 and 2020 elections. In that same report the CIA also spoke of Russian influence on Canadian elections. Until Trudeau advised Poilievre to look into his own CPC members we weren't even sure who was helped by those bots. We still don't know their names or when the interference happened though that info is supposed to be revealed sometime in the Spring.

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The interference report is out. Disinformation is the biggest threat to our sovereignty and elections. Charlie Angus MP is calling for an investigation into Musk's endorsement of PP and our elections.

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Actually, IM, I see a direct correlation between the arguments put forth by Angus and by Musk. In both cases, I believe, the traffic in disinformation and/or malinformation. The difference is that Angus is a member of our Parliament and therefore pledged to allegiance to our country whereas Musk is not formally a member of the US government (although he does seem to have some influence with a fairly prominent politician!). Oh, and Musk has a couple bucks more than Charlie. Other than that, pretty much the same.

As for Charlie calling for an investigation of Musk saying nice things about PP, perhaps Musk might call for an investigation of Charlie for saying nasty things about PP. You know, sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander, etc.

In short, I have nothing but derision for both Musk and Angus.

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Equivocation. False.

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Above and beyond these concerns, the merit for which is debatable, Pp refuses to get a security check which is frightening because we "accept" it and because it means security risk of the gravest order, leading back to the Big 4 nations with the longest tentacles.

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Hate was not here in this intensity until PP got here . Today again PP puts out a hateful video . I listened for 40 secs on a 3.5 minute video couldn't handle it anymore. PMJT has done alot of good for us . PP was part and parcel to over throw our government since the convoy protest which included the Americans. I am a Canadian.

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Respectfully, Elsie, I disagree with you.

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What part of her comment do you disagree with? It's all truthful.

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Quite simply I strongly believe that the Face Painter brought on the hate.

As for Elsie's contention that the video published today is hateful, I simply don't see that. PP stated that all the various likely leadership contenders supported the Face Painter's policies that were passed into law and which have brought us to this catastrophic point. You might think those policies worthwhile - I emphatically, but respectfully, think otherwise - but why is stating that the LPC caucus participated in those policies hateful?

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The House of Commons was at least a respectable boxing ring. With PP at the helm , it’s just been school yard taunting and insults and venom , an abomination of our institutions. Anyone who sees that as democratic and civil needs to have their heads checked

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Born, I respectfully disagree with you.

Please note, no taunting, insults, venom, etc. offered, simply a polite statement that I respectfully disagree with you.

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Is "the Face Painter" your words to describe Trudeau or PP's words. Either way I find I find it funny that Trudeau's opposers childishly never forget that indiscretion even after all these years. If I had 1 Looney for every time I've heard or read comments about Trudeau's face paint I'd be a millionaire by now. It's almost like you and PP believe it's the only thing good or bad Trudeau ever did. It's almost like you think no one else has ever done anything like that before or after. This is just 1 of many reasons I'll never agree with you or PP.

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Where will all the hate go? I'd like to believe it will fizzle away but I've lived in Alberta for 40 years and know it won't. It's what motivates the flag bearers. I figure the flags will continue to fly so blame can be laid when things get worse.

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I live in Alberta, too. The comments in the Edmonton Journal are enough to push me over the edge. Ignorance is not bliss - it's pride.

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Kate Holt: It's Postmedia. They fuel hatred towards anything not Conservative or UCP. However, are these Conservative parties in Canada? I'd say no.

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Poilievre will blame Justin Trudeau for many years to come for any problems he creates, and there will be many problems if Poilievre becomes the PM. People think they're hard up now, but wait until Poilievre cuts most social programs like healthcare, education, EI, Social Insurance formerly called welfare, and CPP disability pensions. Wait until housing starts and costs of housing doesn't significantly decrease. Wait until the homelessness and addictions don't improve much if at all. Maybe we'll be seeing more F**k Poilievre signs, middle fingers and upside-down f6lags than we ever thought, if PP becomes the PM.

As for Jagmeet Singh, I'm extremely disappointed in him for his comments on Trudeau's resignation. Singh would like everyone to forget he had significant influence on things Trudeau enacted since the last election, but that's deceitful.

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Don’t forget pushing back the age of CPP that had been reversed back to 65.

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Hate is so productive. (Sarcasm.)

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Its still rather startling the power 'populist' honking has to vilify one person. Beware, this continues. When a 'toddler' starts kicking sand in a sand box, he's liable to have sand 'kicked' back in his face. It's more than time for a focus on Policy not personality if we want to thrive in an increasingly complex world - especially where populism seems to be growing. And, this really is a job for a team of adults rather than a gang of toddlers.

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He'll have a few decades to blame Trudeau for everything wrong in his life.

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Seems ironic that the PM gives a self congratulatory speech that f**ks his colleagues, his party, and the country while smiling his way to Geneva.

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Better than up pp's ar se like you.

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Unfortunately, I think one of the factors that have enabled PP to do so well at the polls is that a lot of Liberals have been very forgiving with the fact that Trudeau has been very bad at his job for the last two years.

If the party had moved on to a more responsive leader, I don’t think the CPC would be doing nearly as well, which would allow for a more robust scrutiny of their faults

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Despite all Poilievre’s angry and ridiculous nonsense of “authoritarian socialism”, one thing that was never in doubt was that Trudeau would leave office without summoning an angry mob to Ottawa or engaging in fraud and conspiracy to stay in power. Democracy is fully functioning and working as it should in Canada. Trudeau was only ever an idiot. He wasn’t a tyrant or an authoritarian. A large portion of our conservative leaning population needs to get a grip on reality.

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If anyone with a professional job wore an explitive Trudeau T-shirt, sweatshirt, or hoodie to their place of employment, wouldn't they be fired? This is the first time I've ever seen you use a curse word on this. I'm referring to the person with the apparel, not you.

In Alberta, there is always a loathing for Liberals and the NDP, but it was the Conservatives who made a mess of what Peter Lougheed created for Alberta. Oil and tax rates were so bad, that it lost hundreds of billions of dollars. There is an orphan well mess that will be costing a quarter of a trillion dollars to fix. Millions and billions of dollars more were blown on so many pricey boondoogles. Infrastructure, healthcare, social services and the environment were neglected. Utility costs soard, as did other costs. Now, the CPP of Albertans are on the line, due to Danielle Smith.

Who is going to be Danielle Smith's new punching bag?

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I'm with this guy's "ex."

It really IS that tacky, that nasty, and that JUVENILE.

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Musk and Angus are polar opposites, equivocation doesn't change that. I am joining Angus' resistance because I believe CANADIANS should lead our country not oligarchs from somewhere else born here or not. Musk is after our resources as the 51 state.

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Nailed it.

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I am fascinated by the various comments that decry "hateful" speech about our outgoing Prime Minister and then ever so many of the commenters are hateful toward the Leader of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition - that is right, the job of the "second" party in the House of Commons is to oppose.

So, all you folks that talk about hate from PP, I suggest that you look in the mirror and consider your own speech. Certainly, the outgoing PM has been plenty hateful about many Canadians during his time in office so it seems to me that he is simply reaping what he has sown.

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Most Canadians know the Royal opposition is supposed to be critical of the party in power and the PM, but Poilievre has been making campaign ads since before the last election. He never stopped making them. As if that's not bad enough those the ads are sarcastic & full of smart-assery and misinformation.

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The thing is , they also opposed things that were beneficial to Canadians. They are there to criticize while also working together on committees. Under PP they have taken a stance to refuse to work together on everything in principle . And just oppose. If that isn’t anti democratic then I don’t know what is

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Sorry, not seeing it. Those programs I referred to were brought home in the last few years not earlier.

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Good one Lisa.

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Cheers to Randy!

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And the convoy! Yeah! Get that memorandum of understanding out again and let's overthrow our parliamentary democracy!

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