Jun 26Liked by Lisa Young

Well that bites.

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As usual right on the mark Lisa, though Poilievre waiting 3 days might be a stretch. Most Canadians don't seem to know what is on Poilieve's chopping block. What's not are higher business taxes and higher high income taxes, retaining the insignificant capital gains tax. Any and every social program will be looked at including health care and even education. Poilievre is still stuck in a neoliberal free market, privatized everything world, the one that has failed every country in the world over 40 years. Trickle down has evolved in high pressure pump up. If u think inequality is rising , look forward to 4 or 5 years of Canadian inequality rate doubling. As I read comments about the the high Canadian debt, and naming Trudeau and the Liberals, the look back at Progressive Conservative PM Mulroney and Conservative PM Harper they both increased national debt significantly.

I suppose during COVID19 Trudeau should have ignored bankruptcies, lack of income to pay rent and opened up the economy to no lock downs so the virus would quadruple the deaths but keep people working.

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David Krieger: Pierre Poilievre will be a national version of Danielle Smith. This is something that we do not want.

I can see through Pierre Poilievre's platitudes, but unfortunately, there are others who cannot.

What kinds of foolish things will he do is unlimited, and the harm it will cause will be widespread.

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Jun 26Liked by Lisa Young

A matter of "crown" prerogative? That's it I am bridging the gap and now I promise to extract myself from this :-) Sorry I missed seeing you in Montreal.

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Jun 26Liked by Lisa Young

Kudos to Valerie for that comment. I'm definitely bracing for the worst.

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Duane Bratt says it hit a nerve!

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Crest toothpaste helps fight cavities. I wonder if there is something that can fix the major cavity that seems to be in the premier of Alberta?

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Great column, as always Lisa. Even those of us who live in Ottawa appreciate your insights. The line about Pierre Polievre waiting three days to be aghast at the federal books is terrific. Maybe we can have a race — similar to Liz Truss’s lettuce, to see how long it takes!

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Jun 26Liked by Lisa Young

Very good Lisa - I'm still chuckling and I read it an hour ago....

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I am grinding my teeth regardless! My disabled son has been on a waitlist for two years at Foothills Adult Dental Clinic because he needs a General Anaesthetic in order for any dental work or even an exam to be done. Luckily he has quite good teeth and will tolerate an electric toothbrush, but his gums are starting to bleed! I just watched a webinar today on the importance of maintaining health, including oral health of disabled people in order to have a good old age.

The Minister of Health, who is about to receive an angry letter from me, stated that Alberta already provides good dental care for lower income people.

This is the party that de indexed AISH

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That sounds like a really frustrating situation, Penny. Sorry you're experiencing it.

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Penny Clipperton: What good dental care is there for lower income people in Alberta? Danielle Smith is lying, which is par for the course with her. Not only did the UCP de-index AISH to the rate of inflation, the payment dates were changed from four banking days prior to the first day of the next month, to the first day of the next month. People on that program couldn't pay their rent and their bills on time, and they had to get by on such a pittance of an income for longer. It was far too late, when the UCP realized they made a very heartless mistake, and returned the payment dates to what they used to be. As a provincial election type of gimmick, to get back lost support, the UCP threw some scraps to those on AISH. Many supplental benefits of this program were cut off, or reduced.

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CBC radio reported this morning that 100,000 people in Alberta signed up for the federal dental program. They also let the premier blather on about how she will just carry on with Alberta’s “substantial” programs that already exist for seniors and low income people. This is where the story ends, because obviously no one asked her how, if 100,000 Albertans are applying for more comprehensive dental care right out of the gate, she can claim Alberta’s programs are “substantial.”

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"If Poilievre is looking for a way to back out of these programs, he might well assemble the provincial premiers and offer to cancel these programs and transfer some tax points to the provinces. That would allow provincial governments to decide whether they want to spend the money on kids, teeth and contraceptives, or something else entirely."

In Alberta, it will be "something else entirely": AKA the oil & gas industry.

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Maureen: The last thing we need in federal politics is a Danielle Smith clone. The UCP isn't concerned about the well being of Albertans.

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I've noticed.

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I've noticed that the UCP weren't any good to begin with, and that's why I never voted for them.

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I'm not giving up on the liberal government. One form of government are for the middle class the other (cons) work for the oligarchs. There was voter suppression in the recent by-election. As Elections Canada put it a terrible mistake. Fix your terrible mistake. I now have very little respect of our electoral system. Finally people better think about it the grass is not greener on the other side. We don't need two drinks hanging out in HOC.

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Danielle Smith is good at flapping her gums.

Oral health is crucial for the well being of an individual. There should be proper coverage for this, as it can be very expensive to deal with by an individual. Oral issues involving teeth mouth and jaw issues, include other matters, such as overbites. That is very expensive for the average person to be able to afford. I am in agreement with the majority of these comments, because they certainly said a mouthful.

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Please stop saying “Albertans” and implying all Albertan agree with you. NO WE DON’T. I want to stay in the CPP, I support health care, education, the dental plan, pharmaceuticals. I DO NOT SUPPORT YOU. I DID NOT vOTE FOR YOU. I WANT YOU GONE! AND I DON’T CARE WHERE YOU GO. JUST DISAPPEAR!!!

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Did the Alberta government spend all the Feds money on the prescribed funding designations during the pandemic?

If future federal Conservative governments axe programs then hand out money to provinces (like Alberta in the pandemic) and don’t get provinces to fund needed programs - what is different for he future than what is being done now.

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Conservative distain (Federal and Provincial) for publicly funded health care is short sighted and in the end will hurt people like seniors in the long run.

Smith knows if you now give people what they need and then take it away will cause push back - so don’t give them what you don’t want to give them anyway.

The other issue is the spin that is disingenuous.

AB population 4,849,906. Smith says 500,000 get Alberta dental coverage? Some current Federal funding!

What is that coverage?

1 out of 10 people?

Social Worker told me very limited coverage for very low income people with no coverage. A compassionate government would work with Feds - provincial coverage is not enough! Yet 45% satisfaction rating in Angus Reid poll but opposition close behind in Alberta.

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Jack Hil: What the UCP did with that money from the federal government is a shell game. They misappropriated it, and then claimed to have a budget surplus.

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Meanwhile the main prerogatives of the Federal government like national defense, foreign policy, and economic competitiveness all continue to deteriorate. Same goes with provincial areas like health care and criminal justice.

I'm not opposed to dental or child care in principle. But why are we tacking on more bells and whistles to our Federal and Provincial governments when neither is performing their basic functions particularly well? The house is on fire and we're arguing about whether we should re-do the kitchen. It's madness.

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Nothing rhymes with pharmacare, but "can the drug plan" might work. (And also I too predict a transfer of tax points, FWIW).

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A good comment from the Premier on the need for poor public policy to be ended. Trudeau has been way too profligate with what is not his.

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This isn't poor public policy, because oral health affects the well being of someone. Danielle Smith is behaving like a mouthy brat.

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