Point taken....perhaps 'nicer' is more accurate??? Or just less quick on his feet with the repartee? In 2015 he struck me as borderline....eh say this politely...verbally challenged???
Brian Jean is an opportunist, as are many of the other UCP MLAs. Before, Brian Jean was very critical of Danielle Smith. Now he is cozying up to her. Danielle will not endure as premier of Alberta. Way too many gaffes are happening, and she is a very bad leader.
Maybe she won't last, maybe she will. We have to factor in the reality that the conservative movement is now dependent on the crazies that think vaccines are AI implants, that climate change is a hoax, that all Alberta's troubles are inflicted on us from outside the province...and that isolation is the road to riches. I don't know how many of them there are, but nor do I see who the central party could put in Danielle's place....
Where is the premier in waiting that could calm the TBA waters AND convince fiscal conservatives that good governance, for their sense of the economy, is possible.
REALITY CHECK: Becoming a separate state isn't going to solve the dilemma the world faces regarding fossil fuels. Alberta Conservatives have bet the farm on the tarsands. They're in a cul de sac of their own making....but getting out of it is going to take more than old conservative ideology.
And across Canada, that party is having the deuce of a time coming up with any new idea. I'm afraid things will get nuttier before they find a way to replace Danielle with anyone with a firmer grasp of actual reality.
If Danielle Smith's record as the Wildrose party leader is any indication, she won't last as the UCP leader. Leopards do not change their spots, and Danielle Smith is still doing far too many gaffes to endure as UCP leader. The Conservatives in Alberta have never retained a leader for almost 20 years. They don't last.
ANd the reason for that is that conservative policies don't work, but conservatives can't abandon them, so when the current leader messes up with ideas that fly in the face of the facts....conservatives blame the leader and not the dumb policies....have a big infight and then elect someone even more determined to implement policies that don't work.
It's the turn of the proverbial screw..........and far too many Albertans fall for it.
Ingamarie: Danielle Smith is like Ralph Klein. Not fiscally responsible, as people may be led to believe, and she sticks her foot in her mouth way too much.
I doubt if he's nice. Thanks to both of you for responding.
Point taken....perhaps 'nicer' is more accurate??? Or just less quick on his feet with the repartee? In 2015 he struck me as borderline....eh say this politely...verbally challenged???
Brian Jean is an opportunist, as are many of the other UCP MLAs. Before, Brian Jean was very critical of Danielle Smith. Now he is cozying up to her. Danielle will not endure as premier of Alberta. Way too many gaffes are happening, and she is a very bad leader.
Maybe she won't last, maybe she will. We have to factor in the reality that the conservative movement is now dependent on the crazies that think vaccines are AI implants, that climate change is a hoax, that all Alberta's troubles are inflicted on us from outside the province...and that isolation is the road to riches. I don't know how many of them there are, but nor do I see who the central party could put in Danielle's place....
Where is the premier in waiting that could calm the TBA waters AND convince fiscal conservatives that good governance, for their sense of the economy, is possible.
REALITY CHECK: Becoming a separate state isn't going to solve the dilemma the world faces regarding fossil fuels. Alberta Conservatives have bet the farm on the tarsands. They're in a cul de sac of their own making....but getting out of it is going to take more than old conservative ideology.
And across Canada, that party is having the deuce of a time coming up with any new idea. I'm afraid things will get nuttier before they find a way to replace Danielle with anyone with a firmer grasp of actual reality.
If Danielle Smith's record as the Wildrose party leader is any indication, she won't last as the UCP leader. Leopards do not change their spots, and Danielle Smith is still doing far too many gaffes to endure as UCP leader. The Conservatives in Alberta have never retained a leader for almost 20 years. They don't last.
ANd the reason for that is that conservative policies don't work, but conservatives can't abandon them, so when the current leader messes up with ideas that fly in the face of the facts....conservatives blame the leader and not the dumb policies....have a big infight and then elect someone even more determined to implement policies that don't work.
It's the turn of the proverbial screw..........and far too many Albertans fall for it.
Ingamarie: Danielle Smith is like Ralph Klein. Not fiscally responsible, as people may be led to believe, and she sticks her foot in her mouth way too much.