I doubt the federal government would be very concerned about an attempt to withdraw from CPP given all the hoops the AB government would have to jump through.

As for the mandate letters, they look like the start of a drive to the implement the Free Alberta Strategy. Even though it's hard to believe, Alberta just voted in a separatist government, with a plan to withdraw from Canada *effectively* even without a referendum. It's like the boiled frog story, where the end result is separation. We need to pay attention to this because although it's very unlikely to succeed, it will certainly lead to a *lot* of wasted time, money, and resources that we need to solve real problems.

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She is causing more problems...can she start solving problems and stop arguing with Ottawa. This money belongs to Albertan's not her. As she's used our money as a open never to dry out cheque.

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Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if the UCP pulls more stunts, to see what they can try and get away with. A certain percentage of the electorate was foolish enough to give the UCP a second term, so once the UCP has their grasp on power, they will see how far they can go with it.

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The Alta Pension Plan idea reminds me of the Bill Bennett Socreds when they created the BC Resources Investment Corp. They privatized a bunch of resource crowns into a single company, gave every person in BC five "free" shares (valued at $5/share) and encouraged people to "invest their savings in BC's resource-based future". The company went public, the public bought additional shares like crazy, the price of the shares soared and then came the crash. When BCRIC was finally liquidated the shares were worth about a nickel. My framed share certificate hangs proudly in my bathroom ... there in case one runs out of paper. I really hope your province doesn't fall for this. If there ever was a case of "if it ain't broke ..." the CPP is it.

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I want to hang on to CPP and I would like for to stop saying if Quebec can do it why can't we. I really would like for her to stop following and start leading. Just hoping if Quebec decides to jump of bridges she won't follow. She the worst Premier. I didn't vote for her.

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Each day, my dislike for Smith increases significantly and is tied to her utter incompetence

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Right wingers love gimmicks. Klein made deficits illegal and then that law was repealed 1 minute before they ran a deficit. No penalty was paid by the cons. Cons federally and provincially live to lecture about deficits in opposition. PM Harper squandered a balanced budget because of his GST gimmick (cutting taxes and going into deficit is very poor policy). Oil royalties hide provincial conservatives junk policies.

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Ralph Klein made deficits illegal, yet we are still paying for a major infrastructure deficit from his very harmful cuts, more cuts by to public education and public healthcare, the most priciest shenanigans ever, and the orphan well issue, which is hundreds of billions of dollars. For prime examples of politicians who don't warrant praise, that would certainly be Ralph Klein and Danielle Smith. On the subject of oil royalties, Ralph Klein made those so low, that we are out of hundreds of billions of dollars. Almost $600 billion, as a matter of fact. It's a complete 360 to what Peter Lougheed was doing.

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SMH at the irony. The UCP have campaigned on red tape reduction, and after they get elected, they propose one of the biggest increases in red tape and needless bureaucracy in history.

They've started trying to spread anti-CPP propaganda on other platforms. Reddit appears to be one of them, until I pointed out that at $570 billion, the CPP is one of the wealthiest national pension plans per capita on the planet. It's been 22 years since 2001, and in that time the CPP has put itself on track to be a $1 trillion dollar fund by 2030 or 2033.

You would think it would be obvious that the promised outcomes for an Alberta Pension Plan are financial unobtainable, but, for some people, apparently not. Even after AIMCO lost 8.2% last year while the CPP made 1.2%.

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Red tape reduction doesn't entail a gargantuan sized cabinet at 33, which the UCP has. Their MLAs are loaded with staff. The UCP was claiming to support a smaller government, but they lied. Contrast this with the cabinet of Rachel Notley, which was only 12. Going onto Reddit, there are people who comment, and they are all mouth and no brains, by supporting these phony Conservatives and Reformers. Through AIMCo, the UCP made $4 billion in pension money dissappear. Anyone who has any common sense, simply wouldn't support this. Since it's common sense, the UCP sorely lacks that.

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The UCP is basically setting political landmines for whoever eventually beats them at the ballot box. It’s undemocratic to create law that makes any future legislation impossible unless it aligns with the UCP perspective. This should be incredibly troubling regardless of anyone’s political affiliation.

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I can trust Danielle Smith and the UCP, about as far as I can throw them.

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Jul 13, 2023
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An Alberta pension plan is a horrible idea, given that the UCP has already done a major boo boo, and flushed away $4 billion in pension money, under AIMCo. It's a losing prospect, so it would be senseless to go there.

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